Traditionally Plain Lance Pipes have been used. The material of construction is Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel), Electrically Resistance Welded (ERW) in the shape of a pipe. Since the molten metal is Steel or Copper or Zinc, and the pipe is of Mild Steel, the pipe melts into the Molten Metal, at the end which is dipped into it. Besides because of the high temperature of the Molten Metal, the pipe also gets oxidized and melts faster into the Molten Metal. Hence the pipe gets consumed and has to be replaced.
The rate of replacement decides the cost of production. Therefore in order to contain the cost it is imperative to reduce the rate of replacement of these pipes.
Ceramic Coated Pipes do exactly this reduction in the rates of replacement. As against the usage of 2.5 pipes of plain Mild Steel variety, one has to use only 1 plain Ceramic Coated Pipe. The cost of the plain Ceramic Coated Pipe is not 2 ½ times the cost of the plain Mild Steel pipe. Hence there is a net savings in the cost of pipes used.




Traditionally Plain Lance Pipes have been used. The material of construction is Low Carbon Steel (Mild Steel), Electrically Resistance Welded (ERW) in the shape of a pipe. Since the molten metal is Steel or Copper or Zinc, and the pipe is of Mild Steel, the pipe melts into the Molten Metal, at the end which is dipped into it. Besides because of the high temperature of the Molten Metal, the pipe also gets oxidized and melts faster into the Molten Metal. Hence the pipe gets consumed and has to be replaced.
The rate of replacement decides the cost of production. Therefore in order to contain the cost it is imperative to reduce the rate of replacement of these pipes.
Ceramic Coated Pipes do exactly this reduction in the rates of replacement. As against the usage of 2.5 pipes of plain Mild Steel variety, one has to use only 1 plain Ceramic Coated Pipe. The cost of the plain Ceramic Coated Pipe is not 2 ½ times the cost of the plain Mild Steel pipe. Hence there is a net savings in the cost of pipes used.

Lancing Pipe Uses:
Removes the carbon from Molten Metal.
Used in Electric Arc Furnaces
Blast furnaces
Basic oxygen furnaces
Open-hearth furnaces
Non-ferrous smelting furnaces.
Reliable and economical means for tapping heats and other production operations.   


The following sizes are available.

Size Thickness Length
Nominal Bore Nominal Bore Outside Diameter
6mm OD 1.0mm to 1.2mm 3.0 Mtrs to 5.0 Mtrs.
8mm OD 1.0mm to 1.2mm 3.0 Mtrs to 5.0 Mtrs.
6mm NB 1/8” 9.5mm OD 1.6mm to 2.0mm 3.0 Mtrs to 5.0 Mtrs.
8mm NB 1/4” 13.5mm OD 1.8mm to 2.9mm 3.0 Mtrs to 6.0 Mtrs.
10mm NB 3/8” 17.2mm OD 1.8mm to 2.9mm 3.0 Mtrs to 6.0 Mtrs.
15mm NB ½” 21.3mm OD 2.0mm to 3.0mm 3.0 Mtrs to 6.0 Mtrs.
20mm NB ¾” 26.9mm OD 2.3mm to 3.2mm 3.0 Mtrs to 6.0 Mtrs.
25mm NB 1” 33.7mm OD 2.5mm to 3.5mm 3.0 Mtrs to 6.0 Mtrs.
32mm NB 1¼” 42.4mm OD 2.5mm to 3.5mm 3.0 Mtrs to 6.0 Mtrs.
40mm NB 1½” 48.3mm OD 2.5mm to 3.6mm 3.0 Mtrs to 6.0 Mtrs.

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